Introducing Airway Art from the Airway Gladiator

I still consider myself new to FOAMed. It was a matter of necessity as an educator. Sceptical after being all over my 4 kids (aged 17-25) for spending too much time facing a screen of some sort, I never imagined being a user/participant. Social media is a great term as it has allowed me to be social, communicating with people from all around the world with similar interests AND at the same time pursue my academic interest as an airway educator. I can honestly say it has helped me be a better clinician and educator but even cooler is meeting people like Carmine.
Several months ago I started seeing images on twitter from an Italian named @airwaygladiator (otherwise known as Carmine Della Vella). He’s produced some great airway art, sometimes capturing key messages/phrases, sometimes just playful pop art with an airway theme. Carmine is currently studying medicine, works as a prehospital provider in Rome and is a father of 2. He is an aspiring intensivist and turns out he’s an airway junkie with a passion for simulation. He has been mentoring under the esteemed Jimmy D (@jducanto) the SALAD man himself who will be his thesis supervisor.
Check out his work at Airway Art by the Airway Gladiator 

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