Laryngoscopy and Bougie Pearls and Pitfalls Part 1: When and Why
This is Part 1 of a deep dive into bougie use as an adjunct for laryngoscopy. The focus will be on 'when and why' to use a bougie with video laryngoscopy. It seems straightforward... put a small caliber introducer into the right hole and follow with a tracheal tube. It is straightforward if you understand airway anatomy and perform optimized laryngoscopy. Part 2 is a deeper dive into the 'how to' use the bougie focusing on the mechanics, success and failure. Some of this material (mostly in Part 2) hasn't been discussed or reported in the published literature and FOAM space that I am aware of. There will be those that will say this is too much detail for a simple procedure. My response is 'suck it up'. If you're looking for shortcuts to expertise keep looking and if you find it let me know.